Those regular Juneathon readers with a keen memory will perhaps recall that last year on June 28th, I celebrated my thirty third birthday at the Clumber Park 10k TrailBlazer. Having had a somewhat busy June 2015 planned out in the diary, I had been reluctant to commit to anything this weekend as I really expected to feel substantially more broken than I appear to be only 7 days after my first ultra marathon (and yes, I know I still need to do a proper blog about that experience!). As a result, everyone was busy, it was too late to register for any races and I was staring at a potentially solitary birthday with far too much in the way of baked goods all to myself. I'd have jumped at the chance to return to Burnley for the Pennine 10k but I had no way to get there. Home made scones and jam was to be the highlight of my day. Fortuitously however, I found out yesterday while chatting after Oldham ParkRun that there was a 10k in Platt Fields; the Manchester Harriers Platt Fields 10k no less(!), and that there was the possibility to register on the day. So Cinderella did go to a race. It was no PB, but it was lovely to be able to continue my rediscovery of running a bit quicker (as discussed yesterday) and gave me the time to ensure I came in at an appropriately placed position of... thirty fourth. What else? And then I went to eat jam and scones... |
On Juneathon the 24th, and the third day after the amazing experience that was TrailBlaster12, I have been extremely surprised by just how fast I appear to be recovering. (Touch wood) not a hint of the ITB injury I have been dealing with, next to no soreness in my legs at all, feet still a little tender, an occasional twinge in my left ankle. I think the fact I have apparently got off so lightly is not by accident though, and am continuing to be as careful about my nutrition and training as I was in the lead up to the event. Eating well (despite an uncanny lack of 'runger'), continuing with my foam rolling and stretching routine even though I may not feel like I need it and engaging only in steady active recovery seems to be working so I'm running with it. Well. I'm not running. Yet. see how sensible I am? Today, feeling pretty awesome and realising that I had without thought broken into a jog a couple of times in the park with my students (if you can't let your hair down enough to jump on a climbing frame or two on the last day of term, when can you!?) I did a slow gentle 15 minutes on the stationary bike and then the same on the cross trainer before some very sensible weights/core work and 20 slow lengths of the (small!) pool. All good. We shall see what tomorrow brings!
Though recovery is progressing better than I might have dared hope, I have yet to make time in a busy last week of term for a full race report from Sunday and so you'll be treated to yet more retrospective drip feeding on TrailBlaster12, my first attempt at an ultra marathon on Sunday: The details of the lap splits were released yesterday and whilst I had a fair idea of how things had gone from my fractured Garmin data (there were 2 laps where I had no watch while my mate charged it on a laptop in the race tent!) I tracked that in miles, so it was fascinating to see the details of the actual laps, at 5k measurements. While I did slow down in the second half of the day (after my slowest, walked, 'lunch lap'!) I'm surprised how consistent I actually was, and while my fastest, at at 31:36 is certainly no 5k PB, given just how hilly the trail was that's hardly a shock. I've spent too long already trying to work out the gradient but suffice to say it got steeper as the day went! It looks from my data as if there was a total of about 55 meters of climb in the lap... but of course that wasn't evenly spaced over the 5km. Anyway. Other, fairly dull news for Juneathon 23rd is that I managed to double my time in the pool from 15 minutes of recovery swimming yesterday to half an hour today and have staved off a certain amount of post-race anticlimax by registering for two more races. I will be enjoying and certainly not racing the We <3 MCR 10k on July 12th (about 3 weeks recovery for that one!) and the inaugural Rochdale Half Marathon (another Cannonball Events special!) on the 23rd of August... Two whole months away!
I don't think my brain has returned to full capacity yet and I've found neither the time nor the motivation after managing what passes for a normal day in work to fully write up in blog form the incredible experience that was TrailBlaster12. In so far as Juneathon goes, I managed a 15 minute recovery swim and about an hour in the jaccuzi/steam room! I did write this though: TrailBallad12; 59 Miles in Haiku |
So here we go then... T minus 19.5 hours to TrailBlaster12! Following the last two days head-pickling in which I couldn;t decide what to do with myself for the best physically, I kicked out a slow 5k this morning to blow the dust of my leggies... And feel none the worse for it. A yoga class this afternoon, maybe a swim... Yeah. I'm good to go. Packed to the hilt with various vegan snacks, including, um, maybe about 17 flapjacks, avocado sandwiches, houmous, protein bars, soya milk, coconut yoghurts, apples, grapes, dried fruit and nut packets, fruity chews, gels, and I probably won't need to eat for the next week. Four different pairs of trainers, space blanket, whistle (!?) running kit (and spares) for every possible kind of UK weather, tent, sleeping bag, first aid kit, laptop for mid run Garmin charge... What have I forgotten? 6 pairs of spare socks, a towel, toothbrush... erm... |
Nope, that really is it. And tomorrow can bring what it brings. It's just gonna be what it is. I might walk. I might sit down. I might hop, skip and boogie. There will be bits where I laugh, bits where I feel like I wanna cry, mind games, giggles and blisters. goodness knows how many laps I'll do or at what speed but I do know I'm gonna have myself one helluva twelve hour running party... and it's The Final Countdown! |
OK, I admit it. I have spent the last couple of days in a petulant funk. My mind and body have been totally out of synch with each other in terms of what I feel like doing and what I feel like I ought to be doing. I've got myself in such a cycle of conundrums with respect to if I should be running or resting in between marathon pacing and weekend ultra that I couldn't even muster the motivation to go to the 15 minute abs class I told myself would be a good idea and do no harm. What I have achieved is an obscene amount of carb (read cake) loading. I also made 20, I mean 19, little munch-sized flapjacks, all lovingly wrapped in individual tin foil packets as part of what passes for a nutrition plan to get me round TrailBlaster12 on Sunday. Did I say 19? I mean 18, of course... Ahem. |
Glittermouse is a visual artist, educator and practising Buddhist who also likes a bit of a run from time to time. In 2014, she realised others could benefit quite a lot from her reflections on running trials, tribulations, triumphs and trip-ups… so she added another volume to her package of blogging adventures.
You can find out more and source links to other projects on the 'home' page of this site.
You can find out more and source links to other projects on the 'home' page of this site.
Book Reviews
London Marathon 2015 Training
Longest Day Run
Run2Work Day
Running Fuel
Salford Harriers
Up & Running Manchester