Following survey feedback that supported earlier findings that interaction with the urban environment can help us feel more at home within it, research into interactive technologies was carried out before including these elements in finshed work. The photos and video on this page show some intial experiments with Arduino in developing interactive environments for use in installations.
A proof of concept visualisation for a design which requires pedestrians to engage in basic interaction in order to stop traffic and cross a road. See drawings of related ideas in the sketchbook. |
Interactivity with Push Buttons March 2011 |
Code Development June 2010
Adjustments to Processing code during an In:Processing workshop at Mad Lab, Manchester, allows a calibration of the serial input data on start up, avoiding the time consuming process of manual light readings and editing of code to reflect different thresholds. Code here for reference. |
Developments June 2010
Further modifications to Processing code included display of a third image activated at a different threshold of light level; next steps planned include facilitating the use of video/audio and changing the set up so that the sensor would take readings from the beam of the projector.
Code here for reference |