A CV for England
A vacancy’s risen for a place to call home
A location for resting between each long roam
The job spec’s not complex, demanding or tough
The following skills will be simply enough;
Toilet paper, dry bathroom floors
Windswept oaks and dull grey moors
Granary loaves, marmite, baked beans
Central heating and washing machines
Pavements to walk on with clean dry feet
Predictable traffic on a tarmacked street
Downpours and snow and April showers,
Things running on time with respect to the hours
Completing the chain with a final daisy
Resting not from exhaustion but just ‘cos I’m lazy
Fenced off fields worked with motorised ploughs,
Pigeons and starlings and organised cows
Blending in to a crowd of similar faces
Running on roads, running in races
A changeable forecast and dressing in layers
A stroll to the shops without selfies and stares
Broccoli, lettuce, unseasonal veg
Rubbish disposal, a clipped privet hedge
Country pubs and lush, green lawns.
Traffic that passes without blaring horns.
Imported fruit, fresh, clean air,
Pedestrian crossings observed with some care
Soft, fluffy carpet under clean, dry toes.
Waiting to pay, in calm, quiet rows.
If these requirements, you’re certain you meet
Please detail your skills (on not more than one sheet)
Then welcome my fellows with borders open and friendly
For there’ll be no engagement if I can’t bring them with me.