To apologise is easy,
It can roll right off the tongue,
Yet so much harder to forgive
Each time that song is sung.
We often take it personally
When we receive a wrong,
And really never let it go,
The grudges all drag on.
Wrapped in our own struggles,
We only see the slight
And never stop to think
What our abuser has to fight.
We leave ourselves to taste
Nothing but a bitter flavour,
Burdened, lacking confidence,
Causing ourselves to waiver.
We can really never know
Or guess another’s mind
And should not always judge
What we presume to find.
Wrongs that have been done to you
Speak pains of the enactor
With far more perspicacity
Than any other factor.
Another may be hurting
More than you’ll ever guess.
Maybe you would understand
If only they’d confess,
And yet that’s not your business,
It is not up to you
To explain or try and change
The things that others do.
Focus only on your actions
The outcomes that you cause
Cling not to acts of others,
Their weaknesses or flaws.