I think it was pretty clear from my last post (about 3 weeks ago) just how relieved I was to be feeling a lot better and able to participate in my first two (cross country) races of 2015. I imagine it also came across that I was being in no way complacent about my recovery and was resolved to keep things gentle in the hope that they would then remain steady. Well that worked then. I am very pleased to report, to those who follow such things, that I finally feel I am approaching the level of fitness, both physical and mental, that I had been lucky enough to enjoy prior to my ‘mini melt down’. I call it that, though of course that’s with the perspective of distance as it rapidly diminishes onto the horizon behind me. It didn’t feel ‘mini’ at the time. Thankfully though, through a bit of digging deep into the reserves of grit and determination, along with the support, understanding and encouragement of some very fine friends (and even a colleague or two) the ‘faith’ (for want of a better word) that kept me going through the darker moments feels as though it is now paying off and there may even be one or two fruits ripening, having been thoroughly fertilised by all that compost (aka ‘life shit’). Anyway. Feeling fit again is blooming awesome and here are a couple of things that seem worth sharing from the depths of my little running universe!
The weekend before last, I enjoyed my first road race of 2015; Altrincham Athletic’s Trafford 10k. It was a bit gloomy, slightly drizzly, but no biggy in terms of weather. I’ve heard tell it’s a very flat course and ideal for Pea Bees. There were certainly a few very grimly determined looking faces that supported that assertion! I wasn’t interested in a Pea Bee myself as my main concern was that I wanted to ‘top up’ my mileage to match the equivalent 18 mile Long Slow Run that would be an appropriate thing to do round about that point in the marathon training non-plan (no I still haven’t reinstated The Plan. More here on why I deleted it in case you missed that nugget of joy). In fact, I had even considered running to the race; about 12 miles from my place, 6.2 mile course, bam, 18 in the bag and a bus home. I saw sense when I was offered a lift however, which is possibly just as well. None the less, the closest I got to a Pea Bee was the surprisingly large invertebrate that decided to seek its maker at the back of my throat about ¾ of a mile in. I’m vegan dammit, get out of my gob! Cough. Cough, cough. Cough cough COUGH. OK. I’ll just swallow you. Oh. You’re stuck to the back of my throat. cough. Great. Couldn’t you have decided to kill yourself in my eye instead? There’s really nothing like picking fly legs out of your peepers whilst attempting 7.5 minute miles. Eventually, the irritation became so intense and my breathing so disrupted that Mr Diaphragm decided to wade into the tragic struggle of life and death. Cue pit stop whilst I semi chuck my guts up at two miles, freak out the marshals who are hastily recalling their rusty First Aid at Work skills and convince the runners gleefully overtaking me that I’m the twunt who went off too fast. Well, following the unceremonious dispatch of the dearly departed, I managed to pick the pace up considerably and really rather enjoyed the rest of the race (if you discount the bit where I had to stop and fertilise an oak tree. It looked hungry.).
According to some in my running club, you’re not supposed to enjoy racing and if you’re able to wave and smile at people who cheer you on round the course then you’re clearly not trying hard enough to bring home the silverware. Sorry Salford Harriers. Stuff THAT. This is my weekend and I’m here to have fun. It think that’s fairly well illustrated in this pic; no race face ‘oh god I’m dying!’ gurning for me! I was so disinterested in the event as a race I didn’t even check my official results until a couple of days later, content enough to simply make it into town in time to participate in the first ten miles of the Up & Running Manchester community marathon training run. I knew I was sub 50 something but was pretty surprised to find my official time was 4 minutes quicker than that. |
Ah, what glory could have been mine if I’d not collided with nature (in more ways than one)!? Anyway… I did 17 miles in the end that day, not 18 (I did one as warm up). I’m such a slacker. Incidentally, I’m not one to plug kit and products unless I genuinely find them noteworthy but I’ve been a fairly staunch proponent of SiS energy gels since encountering the delights of mid-run fuelling. However, on this run I discovered Torq, courtesy of Up & Running. The Raspberry Ripple gel is actually like eating melted ice cream. Mmmmm. Ice cream. And it’s vegan, unless you supplement it with flies. Try it out if you get the chance. Nom nom nom.
Ah, and while I’m on kit… it may be worth mentioning (if you’ve bothered to read this far, chances are you’re already a seasoned run geek and don’t need telling but hey…) that if you’re training for a spring marathon, you probably need to be thinking about your shoes now. Any that you’ve already been building the miles in are likely to be knackered by the time your race rolls round and you need to allow time to break your new ones in. As such, I am now the proud owner of some Mizuno Wave Rider 17s. Yes, the 18s just came out but time was when the 17s were the new shiny bestest ones and I’m a cheap skate. Hmm. Skates. Now there’s an idea!
Right, I’m going to wrap it up in a sec before I bore even myself but a couple of little digestifs before I sign off. Firstly, I’m super-excited to be officially registered now as a 4:45 pacer for the Liverpool Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon on June 14th. I’m hoping to complete London a tickle quicker than that, but it’ll bring its own challenges and I’m really looking forward to helping support others in achieving their targets in what is a significant goal, no matter your pace!
Ah, and while I’m on kit… it may be worth mentioning (if you’ve bothered to read this far, chances are you’re already a seasoned run geek and don’t need telling but hey…) that if you’re training for a spring marathon, you probably need to be thinking about your shoes now. Any that you’ve already been building the miles in are likely to be knackered by the time your race rolls round and you need to allow time to break your new ones in. As such, I am now the proud owner of some Mizuno Wave Rider 17s. Yes, the 18s just came out but time was when the 17s were the new shiny bestest ones and I’m a cheap skate. Hmm. Skates. Now there’s an idea!
Right, I’m going to wrap it up in a sec before I bore even myself but a couple of little digestifs before I sign off. Firstly, I’m super-excited to be officially registered now as a 4:45 pacer for the Liverpool Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon on June 14th. I’m hoping to complete London a tickle quicker than that, but it’ll bring its own challenges and I’m really looking forward to helping support others in achieving their targets in what is a significant goal, no matter your pace!
And finally finally, I was also rather touched last week, to be awarded a virtual honour by none other than the impressively wonderful Tiny Runner in her own version of the Running Awards. There’s really nothing more I can say beyond the comment I left her and her response was equally cockle-warming. Ahhh. Feeling the run-love anyone?
So to summarise (OK, now it’s really finally finally) I’m back in the game, I’ve found my mojo, I’m pushing on up and I’m running on out the door (as this morning’s 6.30am happy 8 miler proves) down the road to London, Liverpool and my first (two) Ultra(s)! Oh, did I tell you about that yet? Well, it’ll have to wait!