On the 15th of June, I was delighted to take the PlaceMaking and This Place Is workshops that I have been developing along to the Magpie Thunder Bureau Pop Up as part of the Barnaby Festival. In the morning, we took the PlaceMaking boards on to the streets of Macclesfield and gathered some thoughts on local perspectives, especially in light of the recent approval of some major town centre redevelopments. This took a slightly new approach to previous sessions and rather than working as part of an existing workshop group, we approached Saturday shoppers and arts trail visitors. We got some interesting conversations going too, once we had persuaded people that we weren't trying to sell them anything! In the afternoon, I ran a This Place Is demo session back at the Pop Up Shop and rather than asking for completed booklets there and then, they were made available for the duration of the festival for visitors to take away and return at their leisure. If you are interested in participating yourself, you can request a booklet online and find the return address on the project page.
On a bit of a tangent, I additionally have four paintings on display until August 11th at Nexus Art Café as part of their Happiness exhibition, along with Renate Wendel who also has work in the Malgras|Naudet Summer Show (until the 28th). Renate has been working on some still-life drawing & sketching and is currently in the initial stages of venturing into portraiture by revisiting the theme of music & musicians, a recurring strand in her work. Although she is experienced in life-drawing, drawing and painting portraits is a new venture and she is experimenting with drawing on old photographs, both studio portraits and live rehearsal/concert shots, and is beginning to explore them further through drawing, painting & collage. | |
| Christine Wilcox-Baker will also soon have some more updates for us on her contribution to the Elephant Parade and has shared these photographs of a recent public art project she has worked on. |
James Sharp continues to develop his range of textile coverings for notebooks and has started using some new tweeds from his re-upholsterer. James finds they make excellent slip covers for various books because they feel good as well as being pleasant to work with. James has also kindly offered a 20% discount on his workshop fees to anyone affiliated with CRITgroup. You can find more information about these and links to make bookings or contact James on his website. The next CRITgroup will be on July 31st and I shall be handing over to Christine for the update as I shall be in China! I very much hope to have a lot more to say about this in my talk scheduled for the September meeting! | |