We have just one more meeting before the CRITshow, next month on Wednesday 22nd of May, at which we will share our final responses as part of the Creative Whispers project. We’ll also have some last minute discussions on the content and format or the CRITshow! Can’t wait!
It was a short yet sweet meeting this month; there were four of us present, though we had a full contingent of Creative Whispers responses as those who couldn’t make it had either emailed or posted their work in. For once, deciding who would get which response next was easy as it was our final swap and so it was simply a case of passing on pieces to someone who had not yet worked on a particular thread. We briefly reviewed and discussed the contributions (as well as engaging in some particularly interesting conversations surrounding ownership of artwork) before moving swiftly on to the exciting business of discussing our upcoming CRITshow on May 25th! Initially proposed as a group Show event, as we have worked through the Creative Whispers responses (always intended to be a research project) it has become clear that what we are working towards is not so much a polished or traditional exhibition of art work but instead a continuing of the investigative nature of the whole process. We have decided that the hanging of the work is a critical part of responding to each other and our perceptions of discipline and so we will embrace this and make it a part of the event. We will give ourselves three hours at the start of the day in a collaborative hanging and curation session which will culminate in the work being… somehow… displayed! We decided an effective way of illustrating the potentially confusing ‘threads’ of responses was by utilising just that; a series of threads, which we plan to use to indicate connections between the pieces, from one to the next, or maybe several flowing into one. We anticipate the outcome to resemble a giant art-based cat’s cradle, or maybe a rather creative spider’s web! Of course this is a somewhat movable feast owing to the flexible nature of the project but quite an exciting prospect none the less and I for one am really looking forward to putting the work up now (which I often find one of the least enjoyable parts of exhibiting!). The rest of the CRITshow day will be spent in further collaborative responses, where we plan to work in small groups to either suggest a potential development or even produce further pieces. We will then end with a group discussion on the day, work and project whilst enjoying some well-earned afternoon tea (thanks to Christine for agreeing to organise this!). We have yet to pin down exact times for the day but I hope to have those details soon and we will then publish our official invite!
We have just one more meeting before the CRITshow, next month on Wednesday 22nd of May, at which we will share our final responses as part of the Creative Whispers project. We’ll also have some last minute discussions on the content and format or the CRITshow! Can’t wait!
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_Creative Reflection and Investigation Talk Group is an
informal network for local artists and designers. The group meets every other month aiming to facilitate a pooling of
professional skills and knowledge to provide motivation, support and
social contact for those pursuing a creative (visual) practice in
Manchester. Categories